Belgian UFO Wave (1989-1990)

In the annals of UFO sightings, few events have captivated the imagination of enthusiasts and skeptics alike as profoundly as the Belgian UFO Wave. Spanning from November 1989 to April 1991, this series of sightings over Belgium has stood the test of time as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the existence of unidentified flying objects.

The Beginnings

It all began on the night of November 29, 1989. Hundreds of people across Belgium reported seeing a large, triangular object in the sky. Unlike anything known to aviation at that time, the object was described as having bright lights at its corners and a central, pulsating red light. Notably, these sightings were not isolated incidents; they were corroborated by numerous individuals across the country, including police officers.

The Investigation

What sets the Belgian UFO Wave apart from other sightings is the level of official investigation it received. The Belgian Air Force took these reports seriously and launched an investigation. They coordinated with ground observers and radar stations to track the object. In one of the most famous incidents, on March 30, 1990, two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept a mysterious object detected by radar. The pilots reported that the object rapidly changed speeds and directions, making it impossible to lock on with their onboard radar—a feat beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft at the time.

The Photographic Evidence

Among the most compelling pieces of evidence to emerge from the Belgian UFO Wave are the photographs taken by witnesses. The most famous image, taken in Petit-Rechain, shows a triangular object with bright lights at its corners, closely matching eyewitness descriptions. This photograph has been subjected to extensive analysis and, despite debates over its authenticity, remains a key piece of visual evidence for UFO researchers.

The Official Response

The Belgian government’s transparent approach to the UFO Wave is unprecedented. The Belgian Air Force held a press conference to discuss the events and released reports detailing their investigations. This openness provided a stark contrast to the secrecy often associated with UFO investigations in other countries and added a layer of credibility to the sightings.

The Legacy

The Belgian UFO Wave has left an indelible mark on the study of unidentified flying objects. It represents a case where multiple sightings were corroborated by radar data, pursued by military aircraft, and investigated openly by a national government. For many, it provides compelling evidence that not all UFO sightings can be easily dismissed as misidentifications or hoaxes.


The Belgian UFO Wave remains one of the most well-documented and intriguing UFO phenomena to date. Its legacy endures in the form of continued interest and investigation into what happened over the skies of Belgium in those years. Whether one is a staunch believer in extraterrestrial visitors or a skeptic of unidentified flying objects, the events of the Belgian UFO Wave offer a fascinating glimpse into the enduring mystery that surrounds UFOs. This chapter in UFO history encourages us to keep looking up, questioning, and exploring the unknown.